Quad helix expanders are fixed orthodontic appliances that are designed to stimulate the upper teeth and allow the jaw to expand so that teeth can eventually be properly straightened. They are cemented to the molars and feature four active springs that widen the arch.
When patients first receive quad helix expanders, they may experience some pain and soreness. Fortunately, this pain can be controlled with an over-the-counter pain reliever and usually goes away within a few days. Patients may also notice a change in their speech that will fade in a few days once their tongue adapts to the device.
While patients are going through quad helix expander treatment, they should make good oral hygiene a top priority. If possible, they should brush their teeth and appliance gently after meals. If they don’t have their toothbrush with them, it’s a good idea for them to rinse their mouth with water after eating to get rid of any food around their appliance. Our orthodontist in Raleigh, NC friend, Jason Gladwell always suggests rinsing after any food is consumed.
Additionally, patients with quad helix expanders are highly encouraged to avoid sticky foods like taffy and chewing gum as well as hard foods like pieces of steak as they can damage the appliance and prevent it from performing its intended function. Fortunately, quad helix expanders are only worn for about 3 to 6 months.
Contact Sims Orthodontics
If you have further questions about quad helix expanders and how they work or are wondering whether this device is a good option for you, contact our office today at 850-477-7715 to schedule an appointment.