If unfamiliar with braces, it’s good to research the basics and perhaps not to listen to every negative experience you may have heard from a friend, family member, peer etc. Everyone has a different experience with braces and your experience doesn’t have to be a negative experience at all!
What to Expect:
When you first get your braces, your teeth and mouth may feel a little different or even odd. This is because the brackets and wires are like a foreign object to the teeth, tongue and lips and it’ll take the mouth anywhere from a few days to a week to get used to the new braces being there. During this adjustment period you may experience some soreness, or in some circumstances it isn’t uncommon to notice bleeding lips or gums. While this doesn’t happen to everyone, it isn’t impossible. Again, it is because the lips aren’t used to having the braces jut out on the teeth and mixing with the metal, small cuts can occur.
Preventing Damage to Gums or Lips:
In order to prevent any damage to the lips or gums, orthodontic wax will become one of your best friends! Orthodontic wax looks clear and simply is placed over the brackets in order to create a smooth barrier between the brackets and the lips. This way the lips and gums don’t directly touch the metal preventing irritation from occurring. Orthodontic wax can be used as long or as little as needed. A rule to remember is not to eat with orthodontic wax in the mouth. While it is safe to swallow in small amounts, food particles and debris can stick to the wax, which is something best left avoided.
Contact Us:
If you have any other questions about braces or would like more information on the kinds of braces that we offer at Sims Orthodontics, we invite you to contact us at your earliest convenience! We have an excellent staff that is more than willing to provide you with any answers or information that you may be looking for.