If you have braces, you likely know that it’s a good idea to stay away from certain foods. Crunchy foods like popcorn, hard foods like ice cubes and sticky foods like tacky are not recommended during orthodontic treatment.
Recently, a few patients have asked Dr. Sims whether there are any drink restrictions with braces. Dr. Sims explained that he is a strong advocate of drinking water while wearing braces. It can keep the hydrated and is free of any ingredients that may harm the teeth.
Patients who drink soda or coke on a regular basis should make every effort to stay away from these beverages. They are highly acidic and acid can cause substantial damage to the teeth. It has the potential to corrode your tooth enamel and lead to tooth damage that is simply irreversible.
The reality is that acid takes the calcium out of the enamel through a process known as decalcification. This causes soft teeth that are prone to cavities. If you drink too much soda or coke while wearing braces, you may notice white streaks when your braces come off. These white streaks are almost always the result of decalcification.
Since braces cost a great deal of time, money, and energy, you owe it to yourself to keep coke and soft drink consumption to a minimum. By doing so, you can avoid white streaks and ensure the very best results.
Contact Sims Orthodontics Today
If you’d like more information on drinking coke and soda while wearing braces, we encourage you to call our Pensacola, Florida office today at 850-477-7715 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Clay Sims. We look forward to hearing from you!